PUM Companion 1.8.0 Release!
What to say! Text formatting with Markdown, Rich Text Editors for Gamemaster, characters, and locations notes, and formula-based dice roller!
The goal of this release? To be ready for the Monthly PUM Event, where we’ll share on Discord a base game for PUM Companion where we all play on the same world during a month, and submit the games to share and tell around the Plot Unfolding Machine and its community.
- Dice roll formulas inline with command /r 2d6+2 or ;;2d6+2;;
- Markdown support in log area for simple text formatting
- Rich text editor in GM Notes, Characters, and Locations
- Bundle up to three oracles to roll them together
- PDF also supports markdown formatting from the game
- PDF export performance and compression rate massively improved
- Added a Go Back button to character journal to return to overview
- Advance plot track from log entry now keeps the original speaker
- Simplified characters and locations view and their creation steps
- Unconfirmed plot beats may be now rerolled for a different result
- Now possible to roll dice from the dice roller in an existing log
- Plot beat marker in PDF export has been refined
- Adopted wider game cards in the menu and more space for titles
- Ideas button in character sheets is now its own component
- Fixed an issue with adventure names and strange characters
- Fixed adding images to a message without changing its speaker
- Fixed various text fields behavior when it comes to autosave
- Entries can become plot beats after the last advancement (within section)
- Removed a wrong “Send to log” option during game setup
- Fixed a bug where gamemaster portrait images would disappear
A word
This document is made for PUM Companion 1.8.0. The app is developing fast, probably adding more features than it has time to catch up with itself. But, in the coming of our first Monthly PUM, the event where we share a base for a game world, and we all play in it, led to a fast and furious release, enabled Dice Rolling and Formatting key features.
With the new dice rolling formulas, we can roll dice in our play, but this feature is not properly integrated in the Apps’ UI, therefore, while we work on improving it, we wanted to nonetheless extend this “type-yourself” approach into rolling dice.
Before we get into Dice Rolling, to help yourself, PUM Companion 1.8 also supports basic formatting, this will enable you to type in a way that it is easier for you and others to read.
In the logging area:
- Wrap text within asterisks, such as *italic*, the text within will become italic
- Wrap text within double asterisks, such as **bold**, the text will become bold
- Begin the sentence with #, such as # Header 1, the text will become large!
- You can also use bullet points and numbered lists by typing hyphen – or 1
Dice Rolling basics
There are three ways of rolling dice:
- Using the visual dice roller (basic)
- By typing /r {formula}
- By typing ;;{formula};; anywhere inside your log area entry
a. You would need to type two times semi-colon before, and after
b. In between, the desired formula, as shown below
c. This enables you to roll dice within your input texts
Dice Rolling Formulas
This has been developed with the help of the dice parser plugin by stevesea here: https://github.com/Adventuresmith/dart-dice-parser
(whom I am reaching out to say thanks and offer a free copy of PUM Companion for this brilliance!).
Quick Examples
2d20 #cf #cs
roll 2d20, result will include counts of critical successes (20) and failures (1)
Dice rolls with advantage
- 2d20-L — drop lowest
- 2d20k, 2d20kh — keep highest
- 2d20-H — drop highest
- 2d20-kl — keep lowest
- (2d10+3d20)-L3 — roll 2d10 and 3d20, combine the two results lists, and drop
lowest 3 results - 20d10-<3->8# — roll 20 d10, drop any less than 3 or greater than 8 and count the
number of remaining dic