Plot unfolding machine is now freezed, finalized and released. No more updates! It’s all there, and I am happy with it 🙂
Category: Home Brewery
Anything that falls in tweaking or creating game frameworks and rules for RPGs.
Plot Unfolding Machine
Following my Scene Designer homebrew, my ideas brewed into a bigger scoped homebrew that can help your stories move forward. Check this out!
JV’s Scene Designer 3.0
Are you looking for ideas about what the next scene can be about? Check the latest version of my Scene Designer!
JV’s Designer Oracles 2022.6
Did you like my Homebrews so far? this may help you in one-page format print-ready!
Scene Designer for D&D (By ruethless)
A user called ruethless adapted the Scene Designer to play Dungeons and Dragons. Check this out either for using it or also creating your own!
JV’s Scene Designer 2.0
Got stuck in your solo games? What is the next scene about? What happens next? If you liked my previous Scene Designer, maybe you like the new one better!
JV’s Motivations Designer
Character motivations make your character feel organic, weak but determined. Check this simplified motivations designer out!
JV’s Complications Designer
You need a twist or a special circumstance? Take a look at this random table!
JV’s Combat Designer
Combats feeling linear and bland? Check out this random table to spice it up!