500 YouTube followers! So here’s a video of everything that happened this year in terms of Solo RPG tools.
Plot Unfolding Machine v7 and Scene Unfolding Machine v5 release!
Plot unfolding machine and Scene unfolding machine received major updates for an improved solo RPG experience.
Surviving the Odds (Legacy) – 5
Can Kyle, Adam, and Ida find and escape with the Power Node?
Surviving the Odds (Legacy) – 4
Kyle, Adam, and Ida follow the mysterious grandpa, who seems to be frequently roaming the wastelands, lately…
Plot Unfolding Machine V6 Released!
The Plot Unfolding Machine (PUM) is a one-pager GM Emulator that helps you come up with scene proposals, challenges and stakes for your PCs to fight for. What stands between your characters and their goals? Who is opposing them, and how? What happens next?. These are questions PUM tries to help answer, moving your game forward. By placing conflict […]
Storyteller’s Prompty Questions – Release!
Are you ready to get some curious and unexpected questions about your game as you play through? Check my new game!
Symbiotic Fission – 5
Characters conceded, but were taken captive, and handed over? We’ve got to tescape!
Symbiotic Fission – 4
Emil heads back to the camp, now with an Alien Egg, and a captive alive Alien on their inventory. For sure things will turn out well…
Symbiotic Fission – 3
Emil goes out to scout the area around the survivor’s camp.
Symbiotic Fission – 2
After the shootout with the Aliens, the party attempts to rescue some hostages.