Xenon and Fluorine must finally meet with their Smuggler Contact Yitir, but things keep getting complicated!
Tag: foundryvtt
Equilibria Starfinder – 1
Xenon and Fluorine struggle onboarding for the first time on a space station in an anti-android system. How will it go?
How I play RPG Starfinder by myself in Foundry with Mythic
If you are interested in checking out how I play my games right now, check this video out!
Equilibria Starfinder – 0
Check out the adventure of Xenon and Fluorine, two Android agents of the AAF, fighting for their interests. Let see how a crunchy RPG system fares with me in solo!
Playing the Mythic Mystery Matrix
Mythic Magazine Volume 6 gives mystery, 7 gives spaceships and 18 a lot of tables!. Check out how my last game looked like.
Excalidraw Journals for Foundry VTT
Do you think Foundry is too static when writing notes or collaborating? Then take a look at my new whiteboarding module!
Nova Praxis Europa – Session 2 – Mythic + Adventure Crafter
Houses Tsarya and Silva go on a joint expedition to uncover the anomalies of Europa, in Jupyter… but the houses hold more secrets than we thought. Check it out!
Unsolved Identities – 3
Matthew Robins managed to escape with the briefcase, but what about her Intel Spec Ops Agent, Nicole? She is in trouble…
Unsolved Identities – 2
The mission was jammed, and attempted assassination against Matt. The exchange however happened, just not with the right people…
Fires of a dead Fenix – 1
I’ve got in the mood of a short dark fantasy story, and for that, I wanted to try character motivations and game master’s apprentice cards! Let see how dark it gets..